5 Must-Have Teacher Tools

September 16, 2024
A background with brightly colored school supplies with the title Preschool Teacher Must Haves in pink

Preschool teachers are the unsung heroes of early childhood education, shaping young minds while juggling a myriad of tasks. Their day is a whirlwind of activities, from teaching and supervising to comforting and managing. As a preschool teachers I rely on a few items that help me conquer each day! I call these my teacher tools! These items not only make my jobs easier, but also enhance the learning environment for my students. Below I have the few items I can simply not live without to keep my classroom running smoothly!

My Pre-K Teacher Favs! (aka teacher tools)

1. Metal Hooks – Metal hooks are a great teacher tool for ANY classroom. They can hold a set of keys, mop, broom, visual rings, and so much more!

metal hooks, the ultimate teacher tool

2. Colorful tape This I have used for SO many things. I use it for student photos, floor spots, places to sit or stand, car tracks, and more!

colorful rolls of tape. The ultimate teacher tool.

3. Card stock – This is teacher tool is used to label student names, circle time spots, cubbies, place mats for snack, line spots on the floor.

multi colored card stock paper

4. Mesh bags – Mesh bags are the ultimate teacher tool. I use these to store all my thematic units. Inside each bag has all the items for each unit. Bags contain art examples, coloring pages, list of items, story time book and more.

5. 5 MIL Lamination Sheets – These are WAY better than 3 MIL. Each serve a purpose in my classroom, but 5 MIL is used for any exchange or highly used visuals. They keep my visuals lasting longer and 5 MIL is more durable than 3 MIL.

If these are items that you feel would benefit your classroom check out my post on how to get items CHEAPLY for your classroom here!! Through these avenues, I have supplied my classroom with a variety of supplies from toys, to art items, and even furniture!! Do not sleep on this!!

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I am a special education teacher living in Northern Virginia. I previously taught in a middle school self-contained setting and recently switched rolls to an elementary inclusive setting. I love spending time with my family and outdoors. Running, hiking and drinking lots of coffee are some of my favorites! My passion is making learning fun and seeing my students smile each and every day! Read More

