Hello!! Welcome to my page! My name is Ashley and I am the face behind Spedtacular Days. I am currently an Early Childhood Special Education (ECSE) teacher. I previously taught in a middle school self-contained (SC) setting and in an elementary resource setting for several years in Virginia. When working in middle school SC I taught all subjects including a functional skills class. It is my job to create and adapt curriculum for a variety of needs in my classroom. Differentiating is one of my favorite parts of my job. Seeing one topic come to life in a multiple ways makes my heart so happy. Thanks for joining me on my teaching journey. Looking forward to some laughs and great memories ahead!!
When I am not teaching I am a wife to my amazing husband, a mom to a little boy and boy/girl twins. Life with 3 littles has become quite an adventure…stay tuned to see what life brings us next!!