Looking for a way to increase engagement in class in a small group setting? Need an additional independent station or an early finisher task? Try one making an interactive work task. These are CHEAP and easy to do!
The best part is that you can use them in variety of settings, for different subject areas, and for multiple students. This can be use for math, reading, phonics, small group work, or an independent activity. I typically get my materials for metal pan tasks from the Dollar tree and the magnetic numbers and letters from Target Dollar Spot, Amazon, or the Dollar Tree! I have even found some on Facebook Market place.
Work Task 1 – Magnetic Numbers
In a small group setting you can easily work using these interactive work tasks on math problems or math concepts. I have students work on number identification, putting numbers in order (skip counting or rote counting), multiplication problems, graphs, comparing numbers, and more.
Here are some ways you can also differentiate these interactive work tasks! First, writing the numbers in order for students or just lines. Second, can have students write the numbers themselves and then use the magnetic numbers after.

Work Task #2 – Magnetic Letters
This is great practice for weekly word study words, long or short vowel practice, CVC words, magic e and more. I love working with letters and the magnetic boards because it keeps the students engaged!
For differentiation you can write the letters and then have the students match. Additional options; provide a picture and they have a few letters for choose from, give them a word and they have to hear the sounds and make it. If you are looking for magnetic letters grab them here.

If you like these interactive work tasks ideas then check out this blog post on hands on science experiments! These were really fun to do as a class!!