1 Simple Way to Build Your Student’s Confidence

February 15, 2021

Do you have a student(s) that are struggling with self-confidence? Try this 1 simple way to build your student’s confidence!

A lot of times students can display “behaviors” when they are feeling insecure. I implemented these simple affirmation statements when trying to build a student’s confidence. This created a 180 in my student’s behavior.

What is an affirmation statement??

It is an encouraging message that students can read daily, prior to a test or possible stressful event.

Affirmation Stated to build your students confidence in 1 Simple Way to Build Your Student's Confidence!!
Affirmation Statements

Ways to try this:

Arrange them up around the mirror or sink and have students read one or two to themselves while washing their hands. •

•Record your voice reading the statements and send them to the students virtually. Students could listen to these prior to a test or work that may. be challenging.

•Print and laminate statements and pass them out each morning leave them on a student desk.

•Write one of these statements on their desk in an erasable marker.

•Display one each morning of virtual learning during your morning meeting. Have the students read it aloud together or silently to themselves.

• Have a jar with slips of paper students can write their own on and you can create new ones for the classroom.

Grab these for your classroom HERE!

If you use these in your classroom I would love if you tagged me on social media I can see how you use them!

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I am a special education teacher living in Northern Virginia. I previously taught in a middle school self-contained setting and recently switched rolls to an elementary inclusive setting. I love spending time with my family and outdoors. Running, hiking and drinking lots of coffee are some of my favorites! My passion is making learning fun and seeing my students smile each and every day! Read More

